Learn Some Simple Sewing Terms…
Unless you already know what a blind hem stitch or a straight hem stitch looks like, it might be a good idea to learn a couple of these simple sewing terms. This way you know what you need for each stitch and what to search for online for help.
Here is a sewing chart to explain the different stitches and the reasons you may need to use a particular stitch.
Also here are some simple sewing terms terms to learn…
- Seam: A seam, is the line where two pieces of fabric are held together by a thread.
- Hems: the edge of a piece of cloth or clothing that has been turned under and sewn.
- Straight stitch: The most common stitch you will sew. You will use this stitch for just about every. You can use this to hem pants and make t-shirt blanket. The straight stitch will be used for many projects big and small.
- Zig zag stitch: The Zig Zag stitch is a stronger stitch compared to a straight stitch, and best to use with stretchy fabrics. You can utilize it if you are working with different designs or patterns. This is also a good stitch to use when taking in clothing along the insides of your shirts or pants. It’s a good stitch to prevent fraying
- Blind Hem: Practice the straight stitches first before you attempt this stitch. It is a great stitch to use with formal apparel and is a professional looking stitch. You can do it, but practice on scrap fabric before you move on to your good clothes.
To Learn More Simple Sewing Terms I Would Read…
Obviously there is more to learn than these terms when it comes to learn. I would highly recommend joining a Facebook group of sewing enthusiasts. YES, they are out there and its an awesome free resource to help you if you don’t have a coach. These people are always willing to help.
BUT, if you want to learn more on your own then I would pick up a copy of First Time Sewing: The Absolute Beginner’s Guide. It is a great resource and something I point back to if you need it.